Data Room Software Safety Features

A virtual data room is a safe repository that allows the exchange of files with multiple stakeholders or partners. This type of collaboration is typical in due diligence for M&A deals and fundraising and partnership agreements. It’s also used to create regulatory proposals as well as internal policies and procedures. These projects can involve sensitive information that is confidential in nature that can be vulnerable to hacking if protected and shared properly.

The best VDRs come with a range of security features that meet industry standards. This gives you peace of mind knowing that your confidential documents used to conclude transactions or deal will remain exactly where you want them. These standard features include audit logs document view history, restricted user permissions, a full range of encryption options and other tools to protect sensitive information from unauthorised access.

Redaction tools are another option you will find in the most reliable data room. These tools let you efficiently and effectively remove any sensitive information in a document. This will prevent leaks that occur when an email is accidentally sent to the wrong recipient or if someone misuses their personal data inadvertently for business use.

Some of the top virtual data room vendors also offer features that reduce human error, like a ‘View As’ tool that lets you be able to see exactly what a potential viewer will see when they visit your virtual data room. This is a great security feature when working with partners that are unfamiliar with your business procedures.


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