Online Database Software

Online database software enables businesses to easily collect and organize the daily work details while also facilitating smooth data sharing among team members, stakeholders, and clients. These tools use a setup module that only assigned administrators have access to and an application interface that is accessible to all users to protect important data and avoid misuse.

There are a myriad of databases online available on the market, so it is important to think about your needs specific to a program. Be sure to check the flexibility of each database program, whether or not it allows multi-user environments, and how many views or searchable objects can be supported. These features may not be included in every program however they’re a crucial feature to look for as they will ensure that your business can create an appropriate database tool that fits the way you operate.

Podio is an excellent example of an application for databases that can adapt to your business processes, structure and the culture. It combines everything from files, conversations, billing, and contact information into one platform, allowing teams to align their efforts to achieve success. The online database software allows you to customize your data by using apps in the Podio Marketplace, while granular administrator control ensures that your data is updated and secure.

RowShare is a different online database software that is easy to use even for non-technical users and doesn’t require any programming skills to create a table. It comes with a wide range of table templates and various data views. The program also has the capability of allowing administrators to grant access to individual rows on a per-case basis, ensuring security for sensitive information.


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