How to Make a Computer Virus

Since 1986, when the first malicious self-copying program was introduced into computers viruses have caused all kinds of problems. They can slow down the machine and corrupt data, display humorous or political messages, obtain personal information, such as credit card numbers telephone numbers, passwords, phone numbers and bank accounts, spam the user’s email contacts as well as email addresses, or even render the machine completely unusable.

A virus is a code that binds itself to other programs or files, infects them and hides until the infected software is executed. A virus usually begins by infecting host programs and then spreading through e-mail to other programs and data files. A virus that is successful can cause a lot of damage and destruction in a brief period of time.

Making a virus requires time and knowledge However, anyone interested in computer programming could learn how to make a virus. You can create a virus in order to learn about a programming language, or as a joke. A virus can be used to test an antivirus scanner’s effectiveness.

This article will explain how to create a simple computer virus using Python, although the same process is applicable to any programming language. Python is a great programming language for beginners, since it is a relatively simple language to learn. For viruses other programming languages that can be compiled are typically preferred because they work at a lower level of the computer and will therefore be more effective.


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