The Value of Mergers and Acquisitions

Companies frequently use mergers and acquisitions as a way to grow by expanding their market or diversifying their product offerings. In the short term the deals can improve a company’s profitability and growth. But over the long haul they must provide enough synergy value to justify the purchase price to shareholders. That’s why it’s important for boards to comprehend and evaluate the benefits of M&A.

M&A volume has been growing quickly over the past few years. However, the value of big deals has been falling as there were no mega-deals being completed in Q1. In fact, M&A activity has stalled since the middle of 2016.

This article outlines the four aspects to be considered when evaluating the value an M&A transaction.

In the M&A world, it is common for an acquirer to pay more than the shares of the target company are worth to get a opportunity to enter a new market or improve its position in the market. In many cases, the deal doesn’t provide the promised value. When this happens the shareholders of the acquired company are left in the dark about “What were they thinking?” Examples of these failures include Apple’s purchase iTunes HP’s acquisition the enterprise search and data analytics firm Autonomy and News Corp’s purchase MySpace, a social media platform. MySpace.


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