Securely Share Confidential Docs

With cyber criminals stealing more and more personal data and data, it is essential for businesses to secure the sharing of confidential documents to protect themselves. When you share or receive sensitive documents, they should be encoded so that only authorized users can access them.

Encryption is the most secure method of sharing files online because it scrambles the file information into an format that only those with the key for translation can understand. If anyone has access to the file, they’ll still be in a position to print it, or copy and paste its contents into another document.

You can create links that cannot be visible on the internet (no URLs), and which can only be viewed with an application specially designed for this purpose or by downloading the file in ZIP format. This makes it harder for cybercriminals to obtain the private documents they need.

Other measures to secure sharing of confidential documents include two-factor authentication. This means that even if an employee is granted the password to the file they’ll need to prove their identity prior opening it. This can be done by using a code that’s sent to the employee’s cell phone or biometrics, such as fingerprints or facial recognition.

If you’re looking to share large files that can’t be sent as an attachment in email A secure website that has integrated eSignatures is the ideal choice. With this option, you can create a secure link for the document and then make use of an online fax tool to have it delivered to the right recipient.


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