Ecommerce Design Mistakes to Avoid

Since online shoppers are now overwhelmed with choices and options, it is increasingly important to make shopping as simple and frictionless as you can. If customers experience a difficult or confusing shopping experience and are unable to complete their carts completely, and write a negative review which could convince other potential buyers to stay clear of your shop.

These design mistakes can cause serious damage to your sales. Most of these errors are easily avoided with just the right amount of planning.

Images of low-quality

It’s not a good idea to purchase something that doesn’t make it look good. It is essential to make sure you use high-quality images on your ecommerce site. Poor quality images can not only turn off customers, but can also harm the image of your brand.

Not offering a Guest Checkout option

Not providing an option for guests to checkout is another common mistake that could deter potential buyers from purchasing on your site. A lot of customers are uneasy when asked to sign up for an account, particularly when they must enter their personal details, such as their email address. Visitors should be able to sign up with their social media accounts instead to speed up the process. This will help ease the privacy concerns of visitors.

Finally, another big ecommerce design error is having a messy and disorganized menu structure. It’s important to have a clear plan for how each page of your website will appear so that navigation is simple and user-friendly for customers. Make sure that each page is designed to be organized in accordance with the type of content it contains and make it easy for customers to locate what they’re looking for.


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